Nick Woodhead

Nick Woodhead (website) qualified at the British School of Osteopathy in 1977 and has been in private osteopathic practice since then, predominantly utilising the involuntary mechanism approach, having been privileged to have received instruction from several members of the group of teachers originally established by Dr. Sutherland both in the UK and USA, including Rollin Becker, Edna Lay and Robert Fulford.

He has taught with the SCTF (USA) in both the United States and Australia and is a member of the faculties at both the British School of Osteopathy and the Vienna School of Osteopathy in Austria, and has previously been course leader for a university validated postgraduate diploma programme in osteopathy in the cranial field. He also has experience in the field of professional regulation and is currently on the panel of Quality Assurance Agency visitors to osteopathic educational institutions in the UK and acts as external examiner for a Masters programme in paediatric osteopathy in Germany. Nick is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Carina Petter

Carina Petter (website) qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 1980 and has been in private practice since in London and Petersfield Hampshire. She has worked extensively with sports injuries and dancers since running a clinic in Pineapple Dance Studios in the early 80’s She taught at under-graduate level at the BSO from 1983 to 1998 both clinically and at all four levels of technique including involuntary motion studies. She has taught at post graduate level from 1986 with the BSO, Sutherland Cranial College and Osteopathic Centre for Children.

Carina has postgraduate qualifications in Paediatric Osteopathy and Osteopathy in the Cranial Field and is a member of three faculties providing MSc level training to osteopaths in Paediatric Osteopathic care and the cranial approach. Carina has also taught paediatric courses for the Vienna School of Osteopathy, in Belgium for FICO, and Continuing Study Courses in the USA for the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation (USA).

She was also part of the team developing the Diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy and the team which developed a post-graduate diploma in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field. She is currently and external examiner for a degree programme in Osteopathy in Montreal, Canada.

Carole Meredith

Carole Meredith (website) qualified at the British School of Osteopathy in 1977 and has been in full-time osteopathic practice since then utilising the involuntary mechanism approach extensively. She has taught the cranial approach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels since 1981.

Early in her career she attended a number of courses directed by Rollin Becker and Anne Wales and subsequently taught alongside Rollin Becker. Carole has been a Consultant osteopath at the Osteopathic Centre for Children (London) since 1999 and in 2009 was co-developer of the Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy Diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy.

Carol Michie

Carol Michie qualified from the British School of Osteopathy (BSO) and developed a curiosity for osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF) which developed into an enthusiasm for the approach which has continued ever since. Early in her career she gained valuable experience working alongside one of the osteopaths who pioneered the cranial approach in the UK, supported by attendance at post-graduate OCF courses in both the UK and USA. Carol also gained experience in the treatment of children with developmental problems such as autism and cerebral palsy by working part-time in a residential school

In 1995 Carol became a member of the undergraduate faculty of the BSO and the following year joined the team delivering post-graduate OCF courses at the school which included acting as a regional tutor for a university validated post-graduate diploma programme in OCF. She was a member of the team which originally devised this course and subsequently a Masters level course in OCF. Carol is in full-time osteopathic practice in Paddock Wood, Kent where she uses the OCF approach almost exclusively, and is currently the venue organiser for the Rollin E. Becker Institute.

Andrew Mills

Andrew Mills (website) graduated from the British School of Osteopathy (BSO) in 1993 and after gaining post-graduate experience in New Zealand and West Sussex, set up a full time osteopathic practice in Billericay since 1996.

He is a part-time post-graduate teacher in cranial osteopathy at the BSO and a faculty member of the Rollin E Becker Institute (REBI) teaching and lecturing in cranial osteopathy. He has a special interest and experience in cranial osteopathy and the treatment of infants and children.

Anne Wright

Anne Wright (website) qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in1989 and subsequently set up practice in outer London while also running a sports injury clinic and working for a local rugby team. Since 1997, after having her family, she pursued her interest in cranial osteopathy and has had the privilege of guidance from both Edna Lay and Ken Graham of the USA SCTF. Anne has been teaching on the post graduate cranial courses at the BSO since 2006.

Anne is interested in helping osteopaths’ early development and is a Regional Osteopathic Careers Advisor for the BSO and also runs a local complementary therapy group. She has a personal interest in fitness training which is also reflected in her practice life along with a special interest in treating babies and children.

Chris Stapleton

Chris Stapleton (website) qualified at the British School of Osteopathy in 1997 and has been in private practice since then, working alongside Nick and Caroline Woodhead in Nottingham and also in sole practice in Oakham, Rutland.

Having been fortunate to receive teaching from Edna Lay as an introduction to the cranial concept, he then progressed through the assistant tutor programme, and began lecturing in 2005 with the BSO post-graduate cranial course faculty. As a practitioner now predominantly using the involuntary approach, he has also been engaged in developing the Rollin E. Becker Institute website and is striving to improve communication among osteopaths interested in the cranial approach, by providing site functionality such as the new practitioner forum.

David Hamm

David Hamm (website) qualified at the British School of Osteopathy (BSO) in 1990 and has been in full-time osteopathic practice in Newbury since then. His interest in the involuntary mechanism approach developed in the mid 90s with attendance at two 40 hour SCTF approved courses, followed by further intermediate courses in 1997-9.

Since 1999 he has taught osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF) at undergraduate level at the BSO and has been a postgraduate OCF lecturer and tutor since 2000. David was awarded a postgraduate diploma in the clinical practice of OCF in 2005. His research interests include the osteopathic treatment of asthma using the involuntary mechanism approach and the physiological mechanisms responsible for fluctuant motion in extracellular fluids.

Gareth Butler

Gareth Butler graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in 1982. He was fascinated by the cranial concept as a student and has immersed himself in post-graduate study of this area, both in the UK & the US, ever since.

In the mid-1990s he taught OCF at undergraduate level & was a member of the Research Team at the British School of Osteopathy. He has been a table tutor and lecturer on osteopathy in the cranial field courses at post-graduate level since 1995.

In 2005, he was one of the first cohort of students to obtain a university validated Postgraduate Diploma in the Clinical Practice of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field from the British School of Osteopathy. His wide-ranging professional interests include paediatric osteopathy, research & the interaction between psyche and soma.

He has been in private practice in Surrey & Berkshire for over 25 years.

Helen Allison

Helen Allison (website) graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in 1996 with an Honours degree in Osteopathy. She spent seven years working in two practices which specialised in working with the Involutary Mechanism and treating babies and children. During this time she completed the City and Guilds 7307 Teaching Certificate (1998) and joined the post graduate faculty at the BSO initially as an assistant tutor, table tutor and started lecturing in2002. Helen Has also lectured on the Osteopathic Centre for Childrens’ Advanced Anatomy course (2006 and 2007) and taught at the Vienesse School of Osteopathy (2008-9).

Helen completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Work in the Cranial Field in 2005, and has regularly attended postgraduate courses primarily within the Cranial Field including a Pediatric conference in Sri Lanka, a Sutherland Society course at New England University and several conferences on functional orthopaedic and temporomandibular dysfunction. The latter interset was from working closely with local orthodontists and functional jaw orthopaedics.

In 2002 Helen established her own clinic, Still Point Clinic, in Manchester.

Ian Schofield

Ian Schofield (website) qualified from The British School of Osteopathy in 1994. His interest in Cranial Osteopathy began during Undergraduate training and has developed with Courses both in the UK and USA. He has been tutored in Cranial Osteopathy by Dr Edna Lay, a student of Dr Sutherland’s, and Martin Pascoe, who worked with Rollin Becker. Ian worked for a number of years as an associate with Martin Pascoe and currently works as an associate with Cranial Osteopath Nicholas Woodhead. He practices in central London and is an associate with Barrie Savory.

Ian has tutored and lectured with the B.S.O. Cranial Faculty since 2002 and has a Postgraduate Diploma in Cranial Osteopathy. His particular professional interest is in the treatment and manangement of patients’ who present with symptoms as a result of physical trauma.

Ian is fascinated with Cranial Osteopathy in its capacity to be subtle and yet have the potency to release structural and functional mechanical imbalances.

Jennifer Latchford

Jennifer Latchford (website) graduated from BCOM in 1988 & moved to Staffordshire, where she established her own private practise. She worked part-time with a colleague gaining valuable osteopathic experience. In 1992 she taught at a local technical college teaching anatomy & physiology and running a sports injury clinic for the students. During this time she studied for & gained her City & Guilds 7370 Teaching Certificate. Following this achievement she joined the undergraduate teaching faculty at the BSO teaching & tutoring students in cranial osteopathy, with which she is involved in to date. She also teaches & tutors on the postgraduate programme of training. Jennifer has taught the cranial concept to German students at the Osteopathic Academy in Munich as she also speaks German.

She is priviledged to have been taught & inspired by Dr Edna Lay & Dr Ken Graham. Jennifer also treats animals having studied with the late Tony Pusey. She is currently updating her knowledge & has just completed a course of study in Equine Biomechanics.

Josephine Luard

Josephine Luard (website) qualified from the British Shool of Osteopathy in 2000 and during this first year worked in private practice and for the NHS. From 2001 she has worked solely in private practice and has focussed on developing her involuntary mechanism skills by attending courses and applying these principles in her clinical work. In 2003 she started working alongside Carina Petter developing invaluable clinical skills in working with the involuntary mechanism.

In conjunction with this in 2004 she set up her own multi-disciplinary practice including other osteopaths in Hampshire. She started undergraduate and postgraduate tutoring at the British School of Osteopathy in 2006 and currently tutors on postgraduate courses run by ‘The Rollin E Becker Institute’.

Kieran Spencer

Kieran Spencer (website) graduated from the BSO in1999 where he developed an interest in working in Osteopathy in the cranial field while working as a volunteer treating children at a special school in Islington. He became a clinical educator teaching undergraduate students at the BSO clinic in 2003 and completed his training as an assistant tutor on the OCF course in 2007. He regularly attends postgraduate training including trips to Germany learning from some of the most respected osteopaths from Europe and Canada.

He works and lives in south Oxfordshire.

Lisa Counsell

Lisa Counsell (website) qualified at the British School of Osteopathy (BSO) in 1988 and has since been in private practice, firstly in Cheshire where she worked closely with the Halle orchestra and for the last 10 years she has been based in Somerset where she has established a successful multi-disciplinary clinic.

She was a tutor at the BSO during the nineties where she helped set up a care in the community project at Age Concern, Covent Garden and her developing interest in the involuntary mechanism approach lead her to undertake and complete the post graduate diploma in osteopathy in the cranial field, PgDip(COCrF).

She was invited to become a tutor in this field at the BSO in 2005 and has taught on a variety of the courses.

Robert Wheeler

Robert Wheeler qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 1990 and started working in his native Devon using a completely structural approach before attending the first of many cranial courses and seminars after five years in practice. Having been lucky enough to experience direct teaching from Dr Edna Lay and then supervised guidance from Dr Ken Graham (himself a longtime pupil of Dr Rollin Becker), this lead to a slow but increasing integration of the involuntary approach with patients.

Robert was asked to join the under-graduate IMS teaching faculty at the BSO in 1999 and then tutor/lecture on the post-graduate five-day course from the following year, both of which he still takes a keen interest in doing, along with his association with the Rollin E Becker Institute.

In 2006, Robert completed and was awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in the Clinical Practice of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field from the British School of Osteopathy.

Due to working in a semi-rural environment, Robert sees a variety of presentations in practice. He has a particular interest in peripheral joint dysfunction and people with chronic problems that have struggled to improve with other interventions.

Rosanna Hills

Rossana Hills (Nee de Sousa) qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 1989 and went on her first basic course on the involuntary approach in 1990. She started working with Andrew Hills in Sittingbourne that year, as well as working as an associate in Sidcup Chatham and Gravesend.

Rossana took various time out of private practice to have her three children and now works part time in Sittingbourne as well as running a busy household. Rossana became a Tutor in 2010, having completed the two year Assistant Tutor scheme.

Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon (website) graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in 1990 and has subsequently worked in private practices, both in her own practice, and as an assistant/associate gaining experience from senior colleagues.

She became a member of faculty at the British School of Osteopathy in 1994 and has tutored on both undergraduate and post graduate courses for involuntary mechanism studies. Stephanie participated in establishing a university validated post graduate diploma programme in osteopathy in the cranial field and has acted as an internal examiner for the O.S.P.E component of this qualification.

Lise Court

Lise Court qualified from BCOM in 1991 and, having had successful cranial treatment after an ear operation when she was a child, has always had a keen interest in OCF. After qualifying, she worked in a practice specialising in dyslexia and learning difficulties for 18 months before establishing her own practice. Here she has worked with patients involved in competitive sports to the highest level. She has also gained paediatric experience by attending the OCC for 2 years. When she finds time, she trail runs and has taken part in army survival courses.